Guest blogging contestHolidays are coming! Let’s celebrate Christmas together!

Have you seen any positive results with MyBlogGuest? Got some traffic? Got some shares? Built new connections? Got a great article placement?

Visualize and share your success with #MyBlogGuest!

  • Create a fun video, image, powerpoint presentation: You name it! It can be a fun screenshot, a mini infographic, a cool video mashup… (Please mind that fake screenshots will be disqualified…)
  • Include your MBG username as well as the username(s) of the person you had success with: Share as many details as you can (the associated MyBlogGuest user, guest post URL, anything else to make your story trustable!)
  • Publish your case study on your blog OR send it to me (via PM) and I’ll publish it on our blog with the link to your site.
  • Promote your visual case study on social media (we’ll help with each of them!)
  • On December 15, we’ll collect all the entries and let our community vote for their favorite one!

Video: Guest Blogging Success Stories Pre-Holiday Contest #MyBlogGuest

Win $1000 and many other prizes for sharing your visual (image or video) success story with MyBlogGuest!

The winner gets $1000

There will surely be lots of other cash prizes and gifts. We’ll make sure *everyone* will get something fun

Here are more prizes:

But prizes are not the only benefits! We’ll send you traffic and help you build your community too!

  • We’ll make sure to promote all the entries during our Twitter chat on December 12
  • We’ll create a special category to share your case studies on Google Plus!

How to submit your entry:

  • If you publish it on your own blog, share the link in the comment to this post or in this thread
  • If you want us to publish your visual case study on our blog, PM me and I’ll make it happen!

Contest official start date: November 15

Note: Please only include REAL case study. It shouldn’t be anything huge! We want to *see* real stories and spread real love before Christmas!

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Founder at MyBlogGuest
Ann Smarty is the founder of MyBlogGuest. Feel free to contact her if you have any questions about the platform.

3 Responses to “Guest Blogging Contest: Share Your Visual Success Story with #MyBlogGuest”

  1. kiran

    hii Ann,

    How u doing? i am getting your daily updates and suggestion regarding the blog…am a new beginner am running with a blog named as
    you ‘r expert in blog pls provide me some suggestion abot my blog how i can increase traffic on my blog
    your suggestion and feedback really appreciate
    Looking forward from You
    god bless you
    Warm regards

  2. Alka Verma

    Hi My Blog Guest Team,

    I am very very thankful to all of you. On you site i met with many bloggers share their experience with me and they helped me a lot and also did the same for them. You have given a platform where many bloggers may share their thoughts, experience and views.

    Thanks Thanks and very very Thanks


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