As a community, we encourage all possible ways to connect to our users through all sorts of outside platforms. One of the best ways to get in touch with us is through our official MyBlogGuest Google Plus community ruled by our moderator Don Sturgill.

Here are some of the most recent highlights from the Google Plus community members sharing their experience with MyBlogGuest as well as additional tips to make the most of it… Collected, quoted and referenced in a most Pinterest-friendly way – Enjoy!


Ross Hinton on getting offers to high-quality articles in the gallery (also see Ross’s contribution to the official blog here)

Too many offers

Too many people willing to publish your article -> It’s a good problem to have 🙂


David Faltz on making the most of your MyBlogGuest membership: Don’t expect fast and easy results BUT get blown away by benefits if you are doing everything right:

MyBlogGuest tools


Phil Turner on using MBG to build up regular contributors (Phil is our Editor-in-Chief and he also did a great job as one-week community Mastermind):

Regular contributors


Our new member, Alex H Yong, on the joy building relationships through great content:


*****Please join our Google Plus community to learn guest blogging, marketing, freelancing and many other things from our team and weekly mastermind groups!*****

Read more reviews and testimonials we’ve been collecting over the years:

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Founder at MyBlogGuest
Ann Smarty is the founder of MyBlogGuest. Feel free to contact her if you have any questions about the platform.

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