Last week we started our new super popular Twitter chat series #stopwhining OR let’s call it “Stop complaining and let’s focus on building our digital business using a strategy versus short-term tactics”

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Let’s talk traffic today because it’s all we care about πŸ™‚

In fact, that’s all we care about while we probably shouldn’t, but later on this during this hour.

The Truth about Google Traffic

Let’s start with where we ended last week. Ok, so Google traffic is great… and yes it should be part of any digital strategy…

MyBlogGuest will forever continue to be in-line with Google best practices, we’ll even teach you to achieve more with Google (Google Authorship which we support and encourage is one such tactic)…

But let’s STOP thinking of Google as of the only way to survive online.


Google traffic is no longer reliable or easy and it continues to be unfair (favoring big brands and paying advertisers versus us who actually deserve it :))…


So let’s stop complaining on how unfair Google is and move on…

Sto whining

Why Do I Even Need Traffic?

This is a funny question, I know… But have you ever actually asked yourself?


Most sites I’ve seen are doing the same thing with the web traffic as with the way they build it: They are focusing on short-term gains, i.e. clicks and impressions for their ads.


As the result, the sites get over-monetized and thus has no trust or value. Thus you are not actually building *anything*: People come and leave because they are not getting any value.


What should be traffic doing instead?

It should be building one or several of your assets; those include:

  • Your brand name (that people can remember and spread the word about)
  • Your following (the real one that cares)
  • Your subscribers
  • Your free or paid product (think eBooks, coaching, podcasts, video course, etc). Building your own product and selling it is a longer-term money-making strategy than simply promoting other people’s products.

*Invest in yourself!* That’s what no one will be ever able to take away from you. Advertisers and affiliate programs come and go, but YOU will be your lifetime asset.

In need of some ideas of building an asset AND a product?


You don’t need a website full of ads to be making money:

They are earning living online WHILE building their assets: Subscribers, Youtube channel, digital books, reports and most importantly trust and brand names.

The truth is, whenever they write anything about #myblogguest on their blogs or just mention us on Twitter or guest post for us, we get our best (most loyal, most positive, most excited) visitors, because they come from someone they really trust.

That’s the power of their word, that’s the priceless asset you can have, that is your name.

So let me ask that again: Why do you want to build traffic? What are you doing with it? If all you care is Google search and then clicks on Google Adsense, your digital marketing model is doomed, my friend – and more importantly, it is likely to have already stopped working, that’s why you are so angry with Google….

So however you earn / plan to earn your living online, keep figuring that out but don’t forget that your earned traffic is worth much more than a click on the ad on your site! Make yourself a priority worth anything you are doing.

How Much Traffic is Good Traffic?

Many people look at sites and assume they are successful because they seem to be getting much traffic. Let me tell you the truth I’ve learned: You can earn your living by getting just ~300 unique visitors a day. That’s the bare truth I am telling you from experience. Not that you can buy a house, but almost enough to pay all the bills (and here in America, I now know exactly WHAT the bills are and what it takes to pay them).

In fact, NONE of my sites has huge traffic… Moreover, I’ve seen and managed sites getting 10000 unique visits a day absolutely struggling to earn anything substantial.

So it’s not how much traffic you get. It’s the type of the traffic (think “Word of Mouth”) AND it’s what you do with it!


Now the quick takeaways from today’s chat:

  • Monetization is good, it can even be motivating when you start seeing some numbers BUT the priority should always be your most reliable asset: You and/or your product you’ve built
  • Don’t go crazy about your traffic numbers: What really matters is what you are doing with your traffic
  • Google’s traffic was neat, now let’s stop complaining about it and get back to work, shall we?

Early head-ups: One day in spring we will build a tool that will help you earn money WHILE still getting additional exposure. Only those who care about their brand name and voice will be invited; you have about two months to go and build one πŸ˜‰


Join us Weekly!

We’ll continue this series throughout February and March. Next week we’ll talk about the first tool in our #stopwhining arsenal, that is Viral Content Buzz. We’ll see what we can do with it, how it should be used properly and where we are going with it.

So far, see this great review of VCB via @ScottsBizBlog Grow Your Blog at Light Speed With This Website

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Founder at MyBlogGuest
Ann Smarty is the founder of MyBlogGuest. Feel free to contact her if you have any questions about the platform.

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