“AuthorRank” is a new buzz word! So let’s make sure we are up-to-date with most recent trends to make sure we are not too late!

What is author rank?

The “Author Rank” explanation comes from this patent of Google where author is referred to as “agent” and where it states that:

The identity of individual agents responsible for content can be used to influence search ratings.

In simple words, it says that if you have a good author reputation, your content will be given higher score.

The more other good authors reference content authored by you, the higher your own author rank is (and presumably, the higher the rankings of the pages assigned to you)

Author rank

The patent also mentions that not only other “agents” / authors can boost your author rank. Well-trusted pages can do that too:

….the reputation of a particular agent, and therefore the reputational score assigned to the particular agent, should depend not just on the number of references to the content signed by the particular agent, but on the importance of the *referring documents* and other agents. This implies a recursive definition: the reputation of a particular agent is a function of the reputation *of the content and* agents which refer to it.

Author rank

But how can one build that high “author reputation” unless he/she is already well known in the industry.

You guessed it: The only way is to guest post!

But that is not about you linking to yourself. Again:

…the reputation of a particular agent, and therefore the reputational score assigned to the particular agent, should depend *not just* on the number of references to the content signed by the particular agent, but on the importance of the referring documents and *other* agents

This means: guest blogging for the sake of links WON’T work.

It’s guest blogging for contacts which will…

guest blogging for author rank

Example: I did a guest post for Lisa Irby a few years ago. Lisa is a huge authority and she had found out about MyBlogGuest from that guest post of mine. Lisa is still mentioning MBG each time when she mentions guest blogging!

It’s like I got one link from my guest post once and then the links kept coming!

The Tips!

  • Start building your author profile NOW. If you own a business, identify your best authors and build several author brands
  • Make sure to claim your authorship with Google Plus: Make sure your byline is always connected to your G+ page (many experts think the ability to authenticate certain content with certain profiles was the MAIN reason of launching G+, so it’s huge!)
  • Identify powerful authors in your niche and start building your relationships with them now! Here are a few tips to do that: find and approach.
  • Don’t risk your author rank! It’s easier to lose than re-build

…reputational scores are relatively difficult to increase and relatively easy to decrease, creating a disincentive for an agent to place its reputation at risk by endorsing content inappropriately. Since the signatures of reputable agents can be used to promote the ranking of signed content in web search results, agents have a powerful incentive to establish and maintain a good reputational score.

You can watch it as the presentation online here.


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And a good question!

Next week we’ll talk about some possible ways publishers may benefit from author rank as well!

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Founder at MyBlogGuest
Ann Smarty is the founder of MyBlogGuest. Feel free to contact her if you have any questions about the platform.

One Response to “Utilizing Guest Blogging to Increase Your Author Rank at #MyBlogGuest”

  1. Patricia Singleton

    I have been doing guest blogging and also appearing on radio programs as a guest speaker for several years now. Each time I do this it does help me to attract more people to my blog. Was just on my 6th radio program last Thursday. When I started blogging about healing from incest and being an adult child of an alcoholic 5 years ago, I never guessed that I would ever be a guest speaker on a radio program. Have met some wonderful supporters through both guest blogging and guest speaking. I have even been interviewed in a magazine that comes out of Mississippi. The important thing is not me, it is my message that you can survive and even thrive after healing from incest. Supporting survivors and giving others awareness of child sexual abuse and incest is why I do this. Thank you for introducing yourself to me recently on Twitter.


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