Concerning Gallery Moderation, Please Note the Following:

  • We have only two pre-moderated sections within MyBlogGuest (meaning the articles are checked by the editor before they go live in the Gallery). Those are the
    Elite Gallery and Articles Requests. Both are moderated by one editor. Article Requests focuses on meeting the publisher’s guidelines, and these can vary from the criteria normally required.
  • The Articles, Infographics,
    and Books Galleries are NOT pre-moderated. Consequently, it may seem as if your article passed muster just fine, then you get a note about something that needs correction. That simply means your article has made it to the front of the moderation queue. Please check our quality guidelines to make sure your articles meet the standards found there. That will save you from needing to revise and resubmit an article before it can be published.
  • Our moderators work hard to serve you, but they are human beings.
    Each is committed to upholding the My Blog Guest Guidelines, but they sometimes do differ in their interpretation of those Guidelines and their application in a given circumstance. Most of the time, things work better when you accept the feedback, make the necessary changes, and keep moving forward. One thing is certain: The moderators’ remarks are always
    aimed at making your articles better
    and your work more successful. We are on your side.
  • We do value your feedback. Please participate in the Forums on the main website ( and in the Google Plus Community to discuss the Guidelines in general. Your questions and observations are always welcome. The Guidelines are meant to help us stay on track, not fence us in.
  • Should you have a specific instance you wish to appeal, please send an email to mods AT Include your MBG member name, the title of (and a link to) the article in question, and your understanding of the problem. Mods will discuss the issue as a team. They will then either agree with you, disagree with you, or appeal to Admin for further clarification on the Guidelines. Either way, you will be treated fairly and respectfully. We are all in this game together, and we all want the very same thing: Your success.
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Posted in: Using the Articles Gallery (as the Guest Author)


Founder at MyBlogGuest
Ann Smarty is the founder of MyBlogGuest. Feel free to contact her if you have any questions about the platform.

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