I have been (guest) blogging on guest blogging (I do know it sounds funny) quite a lot, so I decided to compile the most useful advice I have ever given into an eBook.

It’s the first draft – I plan to update it regularly with more useful tips and resources, so please subscribe to this blog (or to comments to this post), to keep track of new versions going live.

It was initially planned as a separate product but I never had time to develop it. However I will make sure to create updates and regular improvements.

The eBook is free and you do not need to register or subscribe to anything to get it. Just download it here and enjoy!

I am looking for your feedback as I’d really to turn this ebook into something truly useful. I also hope to foster our *high-quality* approach to guest blogging with it, so help me by spreading the word!

Thanks for checking it out!

*Download Your Free Copy of Guest Blogging eBook Here*

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Founder at MyBlogGuest
Ann Smarty is the founder of MyBlogGuest. Feel free to contact her if you have any questions about the platform.

35 Responses to “Free Guest Blogging eBook!”

  1. Graham

    Cheers Ann! I’ve been a subscriber for a while now and I’ve recommended myguestblog several times over.

    Just curious as to what your take on the recent Matt Cutts “guest blogging” frown?

  2. Arun Chandran

    Hi Ann, Thank you for providing this ebook for free. You have covered all aspects of guest blogging so clearly in a easy to understand practical format.



  1.  The Story Of Guest Blogging | E2M Blog
  2.  How to Pitch a Guest Post the Right Way | SEOTechyWorld

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