atomicchatThis Monday I was invited to host #AtomicChat again! We’ve been talking on collaborating with bloggers, effective brainstorming and proper guest blogging.

In case you missed it, here’s our q&a (Note: These are only my answers: Other chatters shared lots of gems!)

Q1: Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I am a professional blogger and community manager at @NinjasMarketing

I am pretty well-known thanks to my guest blogging columns at sites like @entrepreneur @smallbiztrends & others

I am not really confident speaking about myself but you can read more here (+How I started story #funny)

Q2 : What is MyBlogU?

@MyBlogU is the free platform that lets you collaborate on content to create more indepth articles & get cited

You start with brainstorm asking members to help you find an original angle #myblogu

You can also open an expert interview project collecting some quotes on a topic #myblogu

You can upload your draft and ask members to provide feedback to make it better #myblogu

Here’s how @MyBlogU has made me more productive.

If you contribute to other users’ projects, you get links from that content when it’s up and build connections w/ authors #myblogu

Here are some examples of articles that get created through @MyBlogU collaboration.

Q3: How do you get inspired to write blog posts?

I listed most of my tricks in this article.

Basically I take lots of detailed notes whenever I suddenly come across a good idea

I try to write an article as soon as I feel inspired (Once I lose inspiration, it’s harder to write!)

I play with related tools: Tools give me lots of ideas in my industry

I Use @MyBlogU which is my best source of inspiration nowadays

Q4: What are some brainstorming tips you can provide?

Coffee, lots of it 🙂

Also, I like the introvert-friendly brainstorming which is on paper, rather than real-time…

… e.g. Brainstorming via email exchange or @MyBlogU works better for me than in a meeting, ’cause I can step back and actually THINK

.@patweber put it very well here

Q5: What are some effective ways to find guest bloggers?

The BEST way is to approach active &/or quality commenters on your own blog & invite them to write for you

These people are already spending time on your site & they obviously have a lot to say!

Plus this way you are building closer relationships with them & they may become your blog ambassadors!

I also like approaching active bloggers in my niche, those that blog & guest blog a lot, especially rising stars!

Q6: What are some tools you use to help you through the blogging process?

I am definitely using @Trello to collect ideas and turn them in my to-do list

@MyBlogU helps me maintain my editorial calendar too. Here’s how its to-do functionality works.

I use Google Docs for collaboration

I use bulk Google Suggest for keyword research and brainstorming

Q7: What are some ways to collaborate with bloggers to produce epic content?

Group expert interviews especially around some trendy topic work great! They always turn out to be long content with lots of insight

Here’s an example I did w/ help of @MyBlogU when there was lots of rumor about #GooglePlus closing.

Featuring expert quotes makes content more diverse and indepth, thus “epic”

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Founder at MyBlogGuest
Ann Smarty is the founder of MyBlogGuest. Feel free to contact her if you have any questions about the platform.

One Response to “Chatting on Collaborating, Brainstorming & Guest Blogging at #AtomicChat”

  1. Raj Kapoor

    It’s hard to get the ideas to write a Blog post.

    There are several other tools are also available along with MyBlogU. I actually use ubersuggest. It’s my source to get good content ideas.


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