We support quite a few guest blogging contests here at MyBlogGuest but this one is special and we are happy to have an opportunity to sponsor it.

>>>See the details here<<<

Very often we don’t reach out to help other people not because we don’t care, but because we are so busy.

But what if there was a way to write content for your blog or website, get the chance to win prizes and publicity AND get to do something amazing for society.

How you can enter?

This is not strictly a guest blogging contest: in fact, you can do anything to promote the cause:

  • Post at your own blog/website
  • Guest post and promote the contest
  • Create a Squidoo page
  • Create a video and upload it to YouTube
  • Engage your freinds and promote the contest at Facebook
  • Share the contest at your favorite forum

A word of love to the sponsors:

>>>Don’t want to post, but want to contribute to defeat a deadly disease which could one day affect you or your family? Click here to donate by PayPal, or here to donate by credit card on the official Virgin Giving page. Or contact the host to arrange sponsorship!<<<

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Founder at MyBlogGuest
Ann Smarty is the founder of MyBlogGuest. Feel free to contact her if you have any questions about the platform.

4 Responses to “(Guest) Blogging for a Good Cause: Alzheimer’s Blogging Competition”

  1. parosin6

    I would like to write a guest post for this cause in my own blog and would like to run, rather build a community for you.

  2. web design la

    Hi MyBlogGuest! Good Topic. i use Facebook and YouTube for the promotion of this cause. I regularly upload new educational videos in YouTube. Thanks for the nice advice.

  3. A Soldier's Mother

    I would like to offer the following post as a guest blog here. I have also posted it to my site. The first paragraph is below…the rest on my site. Please let me know if you’d like me to send you the whole post (or you could just copy it to here, if you like). Thanks.

    A Life that Might have been Stolen

    There is a disease called Alzheimer’s that robs the body of the mind, the soul of its future, and the family of its center. It is slow. It is insidious and just its diagnosis is enough to promise an agony of days dwindling down to mindless loss, leaving all around it to try to hold the center for as long and as best as they can.

    There is a condition called NPH, or Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus which means a rise in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the brain. There are three main symptoms that are caused by this condition. One is Alzheimer’s-like memory problems. Another is a horrible shuffling movement as you walk; an inability to lift the feet. It makes walking painfully slow, each step a labor.


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