Gerald Weber, one of my oldest friends and a power Twitter user, has been helping me build our guest blogging platform for ages. He was our moderator from the very start and has always been very helpful no matter how busy he was.

Don’t miss his interview for JobMob where he talks about guest blogging in general and MyBlogGuest in particular. Listen to the interview to find out how MyBlogGuest helps build high-quality connections with niche bloggers.

To listen to the podcast, press the Play button here or else right-click the Download link and choose “Save as…” or “Save link as…”.

Gerald is president of Search Engine Marketing Group, active Twitter user (@the_gman) and a knowledgeable link building and SEO expert.

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Founder at MyBlogGuest
Ann Smarty is the founder of MyBlogGuest. Feel free to contact her if you have any questions about the platform.

6 Responses to “@The_Gman, Our Very Own Moderator, Is Interviewed on MyBlogGuest”

  1. Ty Banfield

    I really like the "big picture" angle of the interview, as well as this quote: "Positioning yourself as an authority without needing to go around and saying HEY I'M AN AUTHORITY!"

  2. Gerald Weber


    Thanks for the mention in this post and also thanks to Jake from JobMob.

    This is interview was a lot of fun!

    Hopefully we can do some more stuff like this soon. 🙂

    • Gerald Weber

      Thank you.

      It's easy to be convincing when it's something you are passionate about and believe in.

      MyBlogGuest is the best thing since sliced bread when it comes to guest blogging and networking within the blogosphere.


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