MyBlogGuest TeamOur November MyBlogGuest Google+ Hangout On Air is here, Friday, November 30, 2012.

We are starting something a little different and will actually have TWO Hangouts. It will be the same topic suggestions (did you notice the word, “suggestions?”), at both of them. In this way if you find that one time works better than the other, you will have another option. Or, you can attend both!

Hangout #1: 11am EST / 4pm GMT Google+ Event Page
Hangout #2: 4pm EST / 9pm GMT Google+ Event Page
Please note that they will last 30 minutes each.

Please check your time zone here.

October MyBlogGuest Hangout

We enjoyed some good conversation and ideas last month and Michael Cohn and John Brace, from our MBG community, joined in and gave valuable feedback. Google was having a bit of an “off day,” but we all managed to hang out in spite of it. Read more about managing expectations with Google+ Hangouts On Air.

What’s On Your Mind?

As we’ve said before, there are no rules, really, except that we ask that if you only want to view, please do so, and join the hangout if you want to participate. If you would only like to be seen and not heard and do not want to be a part of the video, send us a picture of you holding a sign telling how much you love MyBlogGuest and maybe we will post it on Facebook. 😉

This is recorded, so remember, “You are on MyBlogGuest camera :D” and you will be nicely archived in the MyBlogGuest Hangout videos.

The MyBlogGuest video will be a combination of both hangouts, and a takeaway version will be available. Here are some videos from past MyBlogGuest Hangouts:


Full Videos:

Our “regulars,” MBG Editor in Chief, Phil Turner and SEO Expert, Gerald Weber, will be at at least one of the hangouts, so you will have an opportunity to ask them questions, as well.

In September we talked about the *new* Viral Content Buzz project and look forward to an update and recap on what is new with VCB. was founded by Ann Smarty and Gerald Weber.

Here is the takeaways video from the last hangout (October 2012):

Suggested Topics (Continuing from October): November MBG Google+ Hangout

  • “What’s In It For Me?” Publisher View
  • Viral Content Buzz Recap
  • The MyBlogGuest Contests
  • Q&A

Event Page and Information on Google

The Google+ event pages are shown, below, and contain information regarding the November 30, 2012 MyBlogGuest Google+ Hangouts on Air. You may also leave questions there so we can add them to our list of topics for this hangout or the next. At the time that the hangout opens, we will post the invitation link so that you may join in. Remember, this is recorded, so you will become a part of MBG Community history, via video.

See you there!

Deborah Anderson is the Community Building Strategist on the MyBlogGuest team and hosts the MBG monthly hangouts. She is also writing an ebook on Google+ Hangouts – watch for it on Google+. You can follow @SocialWebCafe and join her at the weekly #MyBlogGuest Twitter Chats (Thursday 11am EST).

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Deborah Anderson

Deborah Anderson, of SocialWebCafe.TV, is the social media strategist at MyBlogGuest and she hosts the MyBlogGuest monthly hangouts. Join her (@SocialWebCafe) on the weekly #MyBlogGuest Twitter Chats, and of course, these Google+ monthly MBG hangouts. Deborah loves hangouts so much that she now teaches professionals how to use Google+ hangouts and take them to the next level.
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2 Responses to “Upcoming (11/30/12) MyBlogGuest Google+ Hangout On Air”

  1. Deborah Anderson

    Hi Gary,
    There are a couple options for the “no camera.” You can turn your camera off (or even cover it) and participate with audio only. Or, you can also join in via the chat window (which we watch), if you do not want to be heard. If you are not on camera, you will not be recorded, visually. However, if you want to participate via audio, but do not want your audio to be a part of the video archive, please let me (Deborah) know during the hangout and I will remove your audio from the video.
    I hope that answers the questions you have, but if not, please let me know.


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