We love our users for spreading the word about My blog Guest. The truth is, I’ve never requested a single review that has been created about us: Our users are doing promotion work for us. Here are a few from the past:

This month I’ve heard from two of our users who were kind enough to talk about us in their videos. I created a quick takeaway video combining two original reviews (both are linked to below):

Ronda Del Boccio

Ronda, The Story Lady, is a talented author and blogger as well as the inspired leader teaching book writers to market themselves.

Here’s her original video talking about guest blogging and featuring us! I had to add some video clues to Ronda’s original video as hers was often interrupted with “no video” icon, but I kept her podcast for you.

Andy Havard

Andy Havard is a Marketing Executive at Skeleton Productions, a UK based corporate video production company.

Here’s his original review of MyBlogGuest

Thanks for being so awesome!

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Founder at MyBlogGuest
Ann Smarty is the founder of MyBlogGuest. Feel free to contact her if you have any questions about the platform.

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