If you see this error, the first thing to do is to update your blog stats in MY MENU -> Add / Edit Sites and Tags to make sure the stats was pulled up correctly:


While we are striving to help new bloggers grow, we have two sections where we only allow more or less established bloggers to apply to publish free articles:

  • Articles Gallery: To be able to make free offers there, your site needs to have a lot of pages indexed in Google and have some backlinks and references
  • Article Requests. We make sure each blog there is very niche specific (no blogs that post on everything) and have some social media signals (social media shares, comments, etc).

Please try to understand that authors put lost of effort into creating articles, so we need to make sure they will get some exposure in exchange for free content.

Don’t give up though! Here’s how we can still help you build up your site quality content and user interaction:

  • You can use our free content: Both Infographics Gallery and eBooks Gallery are open for bloggers of all sizes and calibre
  • You can guest post using the free forums and thus get some exposure from other blogs
  • You can apply to be our free Elite author (that opens up all our PRO features for free). The only requirement is to be an excited and talented blogger!
  • You can use ViralContentBuzz to get some shares and exposure to your content
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Posted in: Using the Articles Gallery (as the Publisher)


Founder at MyBlogGuest
Ann Smarty is the founder of MyBlogGuest. Feel free to contact her if you have any questions about the platform.

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